Mental Health
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You’re not alone
Mental health matters to all of us! With the participation of numerous Luxembourgish influencers and organisations, this campaign is all about breaking the silence around youth mental health issues, especially in schools.
With easy-to-implement tips and practical coping strategies, this campaign shows how everyday challenges and stress can be addressed.
No one should be alone with their struggles, and it is okay to ask for help. Under ‘Find help’, you can find a range of contact points in Luxembourg where you can seek assistance.
The campaign is an initiative of our Youth Ambassadors - a campaign shaped by youth, for youth.
With the financial support of

This space is dedicated to personal opinions and open discussion. If you’re looking for support, please visit our ‘Find Help’ section.
Pinned Q of the week:
How do you feel about the load of homework and exams?
It does get too much sometimes, to try to balance everything at school and then also life outside of school. It gets really stressful, and difficult to deal with.
Heinsdo ass et iwwerdriwwn. Ech kann net souvill op eng kéier léieren.
Kanner-Jugend Telefon Helpline KJT
Here you will find an open ear for your problems, concerns and questions. The free telephone consult...
Chatberodung KJT
Young counsellors from 18-27 offer counselling based on their own experiences. They are there for yo...
Closed | | |
Online Help KJT
Online Help is a confidential service. You can send a message to one of their trained counsellors at...
Open 24/7 | | |
A free, anonymous helpline which offers advice and personal support on issues related to online secu...
The Péitrusshaus is a service to support young people aged 12 to 21 in an acute emergency or crisis ...
Croix-Rouge - Psy-Jeunes
The Psy-Jeunes service offers outpatient psychological and psychotherapeutic care for teenagers with...
Centre Psycho-Social et d'Accompagnement Scolaires (CePAS)
Here you will find support if you are between 12 and 30 years old and either in high school or at un...
Service psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires (SePAS)
You can contact SePAS directly at your high school. They are there to support you (in case of demoti...
Solidarité Jeunes - Haus 13 - Service Psychologique
The "Service psychologique" offers psychological and psychotherapeutic support for adolescents and c...
Office Nationale de l'Enfance - ONE
The ONE offers help and support to children, adolescents, young adults and their families when they ...
AFP-Solidarité-Famille asbl - Erzéiungs-a Familjeberodung
This counselling office offers educational-therapeutic support for young people, for example in the ...
Appointment-based | | | |
46 000 41 | |
erzeiungs-a-familljeberod... |
Société luxembourgeoise de psychologie (SLP)
Find a psychologist/psychotherapist